Why native plants?


There are several reasons to choose native plants over non-native species:

  • Attract and support wildlife!
    The more natives you plant, the more butterflies and birds you will see flocking to your garden.

  • Save money on water!

    According to the Theodore Payne Foundation, established California natives use an average of one-seventh the water that non-native plants do.

  • Save time on maintenance!

    Since natives are adapted to survive on their own, once established, they generally require very little maintenance.

  • Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers!
    Natives can fight off local pests on their own and have evolved to grow in nutrient-poor soils.

  • Add beauty!
    If you look for it, you can always find natives that add beauty, whether it be through showy flowers, verdant foliage, or colorful fruit.

  • Reduce air and noise pollution!
    Gas-powered lawnmowers needed to maintain manicured lawns create noise and air pollution. A native plant garden does not need a lawnmower, so it is quieter and cleaner!


Gardening tips for California natives


What are native plants?